Of course you are a good driver but what's to say the other 100 thousand people out there aren't? This is one reason we need insurance. Let's say you decide to go the back way to work to avoid traffic hassle and you end up stopped and waiting behind a huge accident. Or you end up in one. Although nothing was wrong with the decision you made to go that direction, ultimately the choice you made took you down the path to an abrupt stop . If you had chosen to go the other route you might be thinking, "I wouldn't have been late for work and had to waste so much gas stopping and going or I wouldn't have been hurt and injured and car totaled. But, if there is a reason behind everything that occurs then we ought to believe that no matter which direction we had taken we were at the risk still of being privy to things going into disarray. We make decisions every single day that affect not only us but those around us. One tiny choice can change the entire course of your day. What would have been ended up not being because you chose something else. I keep trying to figure out in my mind if Adam and Eve had never bit into that apple when they did how long it would of been until someone came along and did it? Were they on a time limit if they got to a max number of days they had made it and no longer had to worry about starting the fall of man??? God already knew they would do that though so I wonder if He even needed to have a separate option of path in his mind if he knew that the path they took was already their destiny.
Why then do we need to make decisions if God already has it all figured out and nothing we do is going to change what He knows of us. We can't surprise him by always doing right or making a mistake once in a while. He knows we are going to do that before we even do it. So why is He yearning for us to choose righteously if He already knows we will or will not. Can he change our minds/hearts without it having changed His?? It's so much to fathom . I have changed the way I was living as many people do by just making daily righteous decisions instead of wrongful ones. God wants us in his presence but knows that tomorrow we may not be if we choose to do B over doing A.
In Ephesians 4:22-31 it talks about choosing to throw off your old self (devil nature) and choose to renew your thoughts and to display a new nature because you ar ea new person. Letting your words you say be an encouragement to others and to rid yourself of bitterness, anger, rage and slander. We are clearly told what decision to make right here so why would we ever not choose this way?? Why would God tell us to do this stuff then stand by and knowingly let us fall into temptations path? The only thing I can come up with is because he doesn't want robots for children. Instead, he wants those whose hearts and minds are focused on him but still are able to be tempted. It makes us stronger when we resist temptation and turn to Him then when we give in to the temptation and have to come crawling back. And then it's even harder to stay focused because of the memory of the wrongful action. Remember that Jesus was tempted but he resisted it by quoting scripture. How pure his mind must have been as well to of not even sinned in thought process. If we start cleaning up our dirty road and signs along the way we might be able to see what direction the sign is telling us to take and thus make a wise choice as opposed to a hurtful one. And to do this we need to pick up our bleach, rags and swords (the bible)so we can defeat the enemy from taking us in the wrong direction. And in turn avoid BIG failures in life. Soak yourself in the word and prayer and memorizing verses/passages. I so struggle with memorization so it's something I need to pray that God would give me the ability to retain it when the time comes to have it to stand up against that old nasty Satan and his tricks!!! I can see where the devil could easily grab hold and rip this marriage apart again and in all honesty the past couple days I have been feeling distant, distracted, stressed and not even knowing why and it has effected the relationship I have/am rebuilding with hubby. We've been arguing more again and I'm feeling put down like I used to and I KNOW THIS IS FROM SATAN..he is trying to attack me with these doubts and feelings...I've drawn away from Sam just a little bit but inside am not wanting to be doing that, but because I choose to draw away I live with the red flags flying up all over the place saying, 'warning, warning...get back on top of your marital devotions and praying and communicating because if you slowly fade out it's as if yo are throwing your own mud on your road sign and will be harder to get back to where you belong the further you go on that journey. So, let's DECIDE to willfully choose what that still small voice is telling us so that in turn we can avoid all accidents altogether on the way home. It is a daily choice we make to sign our day and life over to the Lord. I am endeavoring to get my mindset in line and do better at being a loving wife as opposed to a stressed out frustrated aruging one. let all anger and wrath and bitterness be GONE... I am trusting in Jesus to be my insurance and coverage on this trip! Do you have insurance?? If not it's time to DECIDE TO get on your knees and get the complete coverage package!
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