Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Possible Impossibilities!

One dark day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight, back to back they faced each other drew their swords and shot each other a deaf policeman heard the noise and came and shot the two dead boys, if you dont' believe this lie is true, ask the blindman he saw it too!

Who are we to not believe the impossible? You mean to tell me that God somehow made a huge body of water split down the middle so that a ton of people could just walk across on dry land while the water was standing up on both sides around them? Are you sure that Jesus raised a man from the dead? So you are saying that he just picked this guys' ear up after it had been sliced off and He put it back on and it did not require surgery and hospitilazation and pain meds and weeks of recovery from the pain?? To us these seem like impossibilities..but as Christians we have faith that these stories did occur and that Jesus performed many miracles and still does to this day that we can not explain..
Now, tell me though how can two dead boys get up to begin with let alone fight??? If they are back to back how are they capable of facing one another? How did they shoot with swords? If the policeman was deaf how did he hear anything? And why did he shoot the boys if they were dead to begin with? Why on earth would we want to ask someone who has no ability to see to depict this story to us?
Sometimes things that people tell us seem farfetched but in actuality how often do we find ourselves listening to these backwards statements? I can honestly say that I have not only listened to one, but have fallen into a pit because I let Satan convince me that the lie was indeed true! Go ahead, eat the fruit, you won't get into trouble. We all know that was far from the truth yet two people so easily believed it and acted upon a lie being told to them and in turn caused a lifetime of hurt and pain for many.
So, how do we differentiate between believing a true impossibility and laying to rest a false one? CONSIDER THE SOURCE it is coming from. If God himself were telling this story in the bible about the dead boys and saying it truly did happen then I would firmly believe it did occur just as it says it happened....WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE... But I have yet to find this particular story anywhere in scripture.... When we are saturated in His word and spending time daily with Him we begin to learn more and more about ourselves and God and something I have learned is that He will not tell me to do something or believe something that is contrary to His word. If we are not aware of what His word states then how are we to be alert enough to decipher whether or not we should listen to what is being told to us? To me this whole thought is frightening in that it shows how easily Satan can sneak in and if we aren't 100% certain in our belief that God said DO NOT EAT THIS FRUIT OR YOU WILL SURELY DIE then having someone say, "oh pish posh, that doesn't make any sense at all you have eaten lots of fruit and never died before, what makes you think this one is gonna be any different?" Seems like a reasonable statment that makes sense enough to believe it. I think of Noah and how God specifically told him to BUILD AN ARK THERE IS GOING TO BE A FLOOD. Satan came after him trying to cause him to not believe what he had been told was TRUTH. If he had not been grounded in his faith and so in tune with God and listening to what was being said from THE RIGHT SOURCE then his own thinking would have easily led him to believe what THE WRONG SOURCE was indeed trying to put into his head..."flood? what in the world...why am I wasting my time building this big boat when we havne't seen a drop of rain in forever...this makes no sense..." Just think if Noah had not listened to God in this instance....???? So how do we make sure that we are hearing possible impossibilities from the Lord himself???? THY WORD HAVE I HID IN MINE HEART.....
In James 4:8 it says, "Come near to God and He will come near to you." In Hosea 10:12 it states, "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to SEEK THE LORD until he comes and showers righteousness on you." Isaiah 55:6-8 "Seek the Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD." We need to be planting our minds and hearts in the Bible because nothing can take the place of it and if we aren't firmly grounded we are more able to sink. Proverbs 14:12 says, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. "
Once we have sought the Lord , submitted to HIM, and we understand it is HIM telling us something then we will be able to resist the devil and see him flee from us just as James 4:7 tells us.
Do not be blinded to see what God is revealing to you or asking you to step out in faith and believe. Also, do not be mute to where you can not hear when He is telling you that something is not of His will. If you are not soaking Jesus in, then you may just find yourself walking aimlessly around on a dark day in the middle of the night asking blind guys how long until it's daylight again and asking directions from a deaf man who can't hear what you are saying to begin with.
Lord, I ask that you give us all your eyes to see with and your ears to hear and implant in each of us a desire to know you more then we already do so that our hearts can be in tune with you and what you are calling us to do with our lives. Speak to us in those moments when we aren't completely certain of an answer or what to believe. Be our light in this dark world and help us to take that light that you give us and shine it onto others who still remain in the dark. Give us peace and clarity of thought and mind as we step out in faith and trust in you. I ask this in your name, Amen.

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