Tuesday, April 27, 2010


The question (to my friends' 7 yr old son today) was simple. The answer, GIGANTIC.
"WHAT DID YOU LEARN IN SCHOOL TODAY?" "About the golden toad." THE GOLDEN TOAD?? TOADS ARE SLIMY AND STINKY... WHERE ARE THEY FOUND?" "down deep in the water somewhere but there aren't many of them." "THAT'S AWESOME, WHAT ELSE DID YOU LEARN ABOUT THEM?" "we have to get 6 checks in class for being good before we get to learn another thing about them, so we are all working hard to get the checks because we WANT to learn more." "YOU MEAN YOU DON'T GET A PRIZE OR STICKER OR CANDY IF YOU ACCUMULATE 6 GOOD MARKS?" "nope, we get to learn more."
How often do we actually do what's right so we can be taught something in addition to what we already know causing us to become wiser?? How many times have we done the right thing JUST so that we can get a reward from the prize box?
In I Peter 2:2 it says, "Like newborn babies crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation." I know the bible speaks about grey hairs being a sign of wisdom, but I truly believe God speaks volumes through children of all ages and all hair colors!!! :)
I knew nothing about a golden toad and more then likely would never have researched it this evening, let alone EVER if this child had not brought such significance to it. His answer caused me to WANT TO LEARN MORE about this cool toad and now I have more factual knowledge in my head "hopping" around! Before that all I knew about toads were that they were slimy, bumpy and one had peed on me when I was a kid!
Just as my friend's son is striving to follow what is right so he can in turn become even brighter then he already is, so we all ought to be purposing daily to walk in Jesus' footsteps and do what is right, not so that we can rack up points or "good jobs" from those around us, but so that in our obedience we can be molded and taught more and more lessons along life's journey. I have a feeling that even the world's smartest GOLDEN TOAD scientist STILL does not know EVERY LITTLE INTRICATE LAST THING about the golden toad, namely because God created each species and thing on this earth with such detail that it would take forever to truly know everything that God knows about it. Not to mention they are a very rare species that if they are still around have been hard to locate in recent years and some have even stated they believe them to be extinct. But, just because we will never be frog/toad experts on this earth and until we enter Heaven will NOT fully understand God in his fullness and be made "perfect/like new" does not mean we should not be staying quiet in the hallways, raising our hands before talking, showing respect to our teachers/friends, finishing our homework when it is given to us, not shoving or pushing in line, reading our Bible and asking God to show us new things, Praying for those around us, keeping a close eye on what things we let into and out of our lives and Following each of God's commands so that we can (get our checks) and in the process continue to learn more and more and be given more joy each time we do what's right! Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
As we hop around day to day doing thing to thing trying to learn from books, professors, friends and the news stay alert to the SIMPLE words that you hear from your children or someone else's. They are the future and although as adults we are training them, they too have much to teach us along our path. I am greatful that God spoke to me through such a young heart. It opened my eyes to be aware that not only "do I hop around like a frog way to often not stopping for a moment to take in a breath and receive peace or insight", but, I also have way too often found myself doing what is right so I can simply just dig dig dig in that treasure box for a prize instead of learn learn learn what I need to be taught!!!! So, stop digging so hard and start obeying more....If we dig too deep we may become buried way far under ground and become "extinct!" And, honestly, THAT'S A SLIMY STINKY PLACE TO BE...

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