Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Breakfast:Open daily

Do I wear the red shirt or the black shirt today? Do I eat cheerios or corn flakes? Do I buy this item on sale or save my money for something I more desperately need? The list of daily decisions could go on and on. This morning I asked God to show me me something from His word and that was a decision I made when I prayed. If you choose honey o's instead of the other two cereals it's not going to be that much effect or if you change your mind about the two shirt colors and decide to go with brown it's not going to be a major decision breaker but when you ask God for something and He shares it with you and you choose to go against His will that can make for a rough day. We have the right to choose where we want to spend eternity. If you are speaking with someone and they do not believe in a God or salvation but rather that Jesus was just another man walking on this earth and that God can not save us ask them, "what if they're right?" See what they respond with, but be sure to then ask them, "what if they're wrong?" What if Jesus was a man but he died on a cross to save you/me/the world and He is yearning for us to reach out to Him and ask him for that salvation and to partake in His daily blessings and an eternity with Him. How much of life would be wasted thinking you were right when all along your view was distorted? It is now that we need to be praying so much for those around us who may not know Christ or may just think he could not save or give any hope for everlasting life. I've spent a good portion of my life running away from God and trying to make myself decide that I didn't need Him or that He wasn't there because of certain scenarios that had occurred. The problem with that always was, that HE WAS STILL THERE and still is daily. He is always reaching down and has his loving arms open to us and is begging us to make the right decisions to follow him and to bring others with us. I heard someone this past weekend talk about how we can go to bible studies, read daily, pray and pump ourselves full of biblical knowledge but if we are not choosing to go out and share it with others then we are infected with "theological obesity". What decision is God asking me to make today? I pray this morning that He will give me a new set of eyes to start my day with that I may see others in the way He sees them and that the choices I make will glorify Him and not self or others. Down to the words that come out of my mouth and the thoughts that fly through my head. There is a song we sang as a child, "Just two choices on the shelf, Oh what could the choices be, pleasing God or pleasing self, Oh I would more like Jesus be!!" How awesome to please Him rather then ourselves. It sure brings me more joy each day and I can tell on the days or moments when I decide to do things my way. They always go awry and I end up in a bigger mess then I was to begin with. We need to be digesting into our hearts GOD and his Word so that when situations arise and decisions need to be made it is our natural instinct at that point to choose How he would deem fit!
I have felt God leading me the last few weeks into different church ministries and also for praying more openly. It seems like something that would be easy for me, a talker, a natural people person, but it hasn't always been. I've battled with it for years. God has given me such a desire and joy though lately to put Him first and please Him by jumping in at church and serving in any place they need help. I chose for so long to sit back and just watch others serve. It is/was high time I changed my decision and Oh the joy that comes when we choose what He wants. He makes no mistakes and is certain to give us that extra blessing we need and confirmation that will get us through knowing we chose properly. I have been praying more in my own quiet time as well as in public settings and it's not as scary as it was at first. When you choose to follow His leading He gives you what you need...it's taking that first step that is the hardest. But once you are on His path He promises to not leave us or forsake us, so why is it that we choose to do that to Him?? I pray that I would purpose to not let any sort of fears get in the way today of choosing right. Lord, may you be glorified in my every thought, action and words today. Bless all who are striving to please you but may not always do so. Continue to bring them back to you and to help them see where wrongful decisions take us/them and that being in your Will is such a healthier, more joyous place to remain.
So now it's breakfast time...hmm....cheerios or toast and eggs??? I don't think there is any wrong decision here except to choose not to choose and then I would go hungry. I am so greatful for a full breakfast bar that is open daily to come to in His word...Breakfast without Him causes deep hunger, so whether eggs or cereal be sure to eat something today!!

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