Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Vote for God

I'm not big into politics, or never have been but as I get older I am realizing that no matter whether you vote or not it DOES make a difference in everyone's life. Sometimes I admit I have voted just for people who I know friends of mine are voting for because I did not know enough about the candidate themself to make a conscious decision. We are commanded to PRAY for our country and those who are in election, whether we agree with their views or not.
I will say that at first today when I read this devotional I was questioning what it had to do with me or why I was having to read about voting when clearly there HAD to be something else better that God wanted to teach me...right? vote..ok God, I've got what? pray for leaders, CHECK..already do that....
As I continued to read on praying that God would show me something he opened my eyes to the fact that not only are we to be voting for candidates on earth but we ought to be voting for God in our own lives and electing him as leader/supreme ruler of our hearts. And after electing Him not just idly stand by and listen to messages halfheartedly or think, "well that doesn't pertain to me so I will just "change the channel" ... we need to STAND up and be counted by the power of the living God and be bold enough to share our spiritual views with other people as well. People are always bound to disagree with something, whether it be politics, religion, finances, etc...but, this should not frighten us away from putting up our signs in our front yard (if it is legal in your county) and letting people know what you believe in and which dot on the paper you are going to fill in and will continue to fill in.
As I mentioned earlier, don't let the obvious slip from your prayers or your thoughts....PRAY DAILY (not just when election time is upon us) FOR THE LEADERS, FOR THE COUNTRY, for the spiritual warfare we are encountering that God may continue to intercede via us...his messengers. Pray that we will not be influenced by natural reactions and natural responses to cleverly designed commercials and ideas.
God is not talking to people in burning bushes these days so it's our job as members of the election council to be the deliverer of what God promises to do in this world, our hearts and our futures. God does want change but it can't occur unless we are willing to take the first step and share that with others. Remember to always be Thankful for Him giving you wisdom and clarity to declare His name to others and to lift them up in prayer. I Timothy 2:1-2 says, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peacable life in all godliness and honesty. "
I'm not ashamed to wear my I VOTED FOR GOD sticker proudly upon my shirt. I hope that you all will wear one with me!

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