Friday, September 25, 2009

Eye on the sparrow

Everything that could seem wrong seemed it this morning. I had started to doubt even that I could be used of God and the change in my life couldn't be real because I was not worthy to be singing praises and writing devotional blogs on here or being joyful. surely this was some sort of put on to get attention. THIS IS WHAT SATAN WAS TRYING TO DAMAGE ME WITH!! . He also was trying to tempt me with smoking. (I share this because I had said in a previous blog that I would keep people updated on how this's still a battle that i deal with off and on so I appreciate the prayers..) God sent a distraction via a phone call from a friend right at the moment I was contemplating asking someone to borrow a cigarette. That silly that I would of gone out of my way to go knock on my neighbors door, ruin my testimony and borrow their cigarrettes.(I didn't end up going though)..If anything I should be knocking on their door sharing Christ with them instead of them sharing smokes with me. It's been such a stronghold for me and a place that I can't be..for me smoking has/did become a sin. for others it might not be...but for me it is. so, if I had done it I would have been sinning. I am just thankful that He placed the right person at the righ ttime and the strength to overcome all the battles I was dealing with. Get back, Satan..I know that God has given me a new song and a new joy, hope and peace and He is allowing me to use what gifts he gave me for HIS GLORY. No longer for mine. Stop putting those thoughts in my head because You are no longer going to get control in those thoughts~!
A friend of mine told me to read Micah chapter 7. It is a whole story about misery turned to hope. I was so encouraged by it along with my prayer time and a nice card that came in the mail from someone we don't even really know. It was relating to a sparrow and how we are more valuable then them. I believe that His eye is always on the sparrow so I know he watches over me as well. This is a hope we can cling to that no matter what He will always be there. I plan on going through the rest of my day with a smile and peace over me. I am looking forward to tonight's conference. BREATHLESS. Check it out. Her name is Carrie Mcdonnall and what a story she has. I can't wait to listen to her speak tonight and be open to what God wants to show me!!

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